Wednesday, July 4, 2012

First dates that are most likely last dates and other fun parts of my life

I'm about to take you where no middle aged adult has gone before..into my sad-but-true dating life. I may regret this considering the readership for my blog is almost exclusively family members and family friends, but we're all adults here, right? Well, not Lily. This will be G-rated, I promise.

I had a blind date tonight. As I walked toward my date, late of course and attempting to add heel pads to my shoes as I walked (quite a feat if I do say so myself) (also, punny!), I willed myself to exude confidence and charm and not sweat. Willing attractiveness into existence over the course of a twenty minute walk, not an easy task. While I was doing mental sit-ups and thinking pretty thoughts, someone in a car pulled over by the curb, rolled down their window and said something I couldn’t quite make out. Thinking he needed directions, I stopped like the good citizen I am and asked him to repeat, and he yelled, “I said, hey there pretty lady!” Ah. Well timed, random-guy-who-feels-entitled-to-comment-on-a-stranger’s-appearance. Well timed. Confident that my strategy was working, I sailed onward through Hahvahd Yahd toward my date.

For those of you who have been significant-othered for the last 10-30 years, I'll review how first dates go. First dates have three awkward parts. Always. Especially if you don't know the person at all. 

1. The Approach: Is that him? Does he see me over here? Does he know it's me? I know, I'll text him that I'm here and I'll know it's him when he pulls out his phone. Ok that should be him. 90% chance it's him. Everyone now seems to be pulling out their phones. (seriously consider backing out slowly now) oh he sees me now. shoot. (over-enthusiastic greeting!!!)

2. The Bill: Split down the middle: I will hate you forever. I ordered a side salad and there is no way in hell I am paying for half your steak, terrible carnivore man. You pay the whole thing: Great on a feeling-broke day, even better on an actually-broke day, sexist on all other days. I pay the whole thing: Not on your life. A cold day in hell. Pigs fly, etc. We pay for ourselves: excellent in theory but awkward in practice. Um, do you have change for a twenty? Are you sure you added yours correctly? We're a few dollars short on tip so... There is no good way to settle this bill business. I often leave to go to the bathroom just as the check is arriving so that the other person is forced to make the decision. I know what payment method we're using by how much money is on the table when I get back. I'm a great date.    

3. The Good-bye: Handshake? This was not a business meeting. Kiss? Not happening. Loose, brief hug followed by the vague promise of a text? Always.

I'll spare you the details of our conversation, but I can say that it went much better than my last first date, in which my date asked me about my dating history, my five-year plan, my intentions for this relationship, and whether or not I would go out with him again, all before my drink arrived. Whoa there buddy, my only plan is to have this drink and watch Gilmore Girls before I go to sleep. One day at a time.